1.Why are you interested in our school?(你为何有兴趣入读本校?)
2.Tell me a bit about your family.(请告诉我一些关于你家庭的事情。)
3.What's your favourite subject?Least favourite?(你最喜欢及最不喜欢哪个科目?)
4.What do you read outside of school?(课余时间,你阅读什么书籍?)
5.What has happened recently in current events that interests you?(最近的时事中,有甚么令你感兴趣?)
6.What's your greatest strength as a student?What do you need to improve?(作为学生,你最大的强项是甚么?有甚么需要改善?)
7.Tell us more about what you do outside of school.What sports do you play?(请告诉我们更多关于你的课外生活。你参与甚么运动?)
8.Tell me about your friends.How would they describe you?(谈谈你的朋友。他们怎样形容你?)
9.What do you want to be when you grow up?(你想长大成为甚么人?)
10.What questions do you have for me?(有甚么问题想提问吗?)
什么时候转最合适? 选择什么样的国际学校比较好?
如果家长们为这些问题纠结不已, 可关注:亿米国际教育