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体育经济与管理顶刊概览丨《Journal of Sport Management ...









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发表于 2023-3-6 16:12:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

《Journal Of Sport Management》(ISSN:0888-4773)为北美体育管理协会(NASSM)会刊,创刊于1987年,至今已有三十余年的办刊史,是目前全球体育管理研究三大专业期刊之一,由人体运动出版社(Human Kinetics)出版发行。创刊主编为戈登·奥拉夫森(Gordon Olafson)和珍妮特·帕克斯(Janet Parks),现任主编为美国佛罗里达州立大学的杰夫·詹姆斯(Jeff James)。

Keeping It Real or Bridging the Gap? Brand Positioning of U.S. Sport Teams in Germany and China
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1123/jsm.2020-0426
Professional team sport brands are increasingly striving to conquer markets abroad. However, little is known about promising brand positioning strategies in international markets. In the context of U.S. team sport brands’ efforts to attract satellite fans in two different target markets (i.e., Germany and China), this research uses three experimental online studies to test the relative effects of two foreign brand positioning strategies (purely foreign vs. locally integrated foreign) on satellite fans’ attitudes toward the strategy and brand interaction intentions. Findings suggest that fans’ responses depend on the target market. While German fans respond more favorably to purely foreign brand positioning, Chinese fans prefer local adaptations of the U.S. brands to Chinese customs. These diverse effects can be explained by different underlying mechanisms: purely foreign brand positioning increases perceptions of authenticity among German fans, while locally integrated foreign brand positioning increases perceived customer orientation and pride among Chinese fans.

2. 举办大型体育赛事有什么好处?来自中国工业企业的证据
What Are the Benefits of Hosting a Sporting Mega Event? Evidence From Industrial Firms in China
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1123/jsm.2020-0270
It is acknowledged that the economic benefits of hosting a sporting mega event are overestimated and/or short lived. However, many studies neglect the impact of the industrial sector, preferring to focus on service sector activity. It is further claimed that hosting a sporting mega event funnels a nation’s resources into one specific region at the expense of others. Therefore, this article empirically investigates whether industrial firms in Beijing disproportionately (a) increased their invested capital ahead of the 2008 Olympic Games and (b) became more profitable after the Games relative to similar firms from comparable Chinese nonhost cities. Using a difference-in-difference estimation strategy, the authors find no disproportionate impact of the Olympic Games on Beijing firms’ invested capital or profitability.

3. 注意力经济和电子竞技:Twitch 收视率的计量经济学分析
The Attention Economy and Esports: An Econometric Analysis of Twitch Viewership
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1123/jsm.2020-0383
随着电竞产业的发展,越来越多的文献研究了消费者和参与者的动机和行为。目前的研究通过考虑电竞消费的经济框架来推进这一研究方向,而这一框架在这一背景下还没有得到充分利用。具体来说,"注意力经济 "作为一种理论方法被引入,它的运作原理是,由于连接性和信息可用性的增加,消费者的注意力成为一种稀缺资源,组织必须为之竞争。利用Twitch流媒体平台的数据,计量经济学分析的结果进一步强调了结构性因素在吸引在线观众注意力方面的重要性。因此,这项研究推进了对在线观众行为的理论和经验理解,同时也为试图在数字领域吸引用户注意力的电竞和传统体育组织提供了重要启示。
With the expansion of the esports industry, there is a growing body of literature examining the motivations and behaviors of consumers and participants. The current study advances this line of research by considering esports consumption through an economic framework, which has been underutilized in this context. Specifically, the “attention economy” is introduced as a theoretical approach—which operates with the understanding that due to increased connectivity and availability of information, it is the attention of consumers that becomes a scarce resource for which organizations must compete. Using data from the Twitch streaming platform, the results of econometric analysis further highlight the importance of structural factors in drawing attention from online viewers. As such, this research advances the theoretical and empirical understanding of online viewership behaviors, while also providing important ramifications for both esports and traditional sport organizations attempting to capture the attention of users in the digital realm.

4. 体育赞助公告及营销能力
Charity Sport Event Sponsorship as Value Creation Strategy: An Event Participant Perspective
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1123/jsm.2020-0294
Sports sponsorships are almost a $20 billion business in North America alone. Yet, despite the significant academic and corporate interest in such high financial stakes, the literature is equivocal on several key aspects. While some papers report that sports sponsorships enhance shareholder value, others dispute this. Furthermore, the marketing determinants of this value are unclear, particularly the role of firms’ marketing capabilities. To address these, the authors first created a database of sports sponsorship announcements over 19 years by Canadian and U.S. firms, complementing it with the stock market and firm-level financial and marketing data. The authors then conducted an event study and found that investor response to sports sponsorship announcements is, on average, positive. The authors found that investors not only credit firms with higher marketing capabilities, amplifying their positive reaction, but that they also seem to use firms’ marketing capabilities to offset the potential barriers to the value generated from these announcements. Specifically, for investors, the firms’ marketing capabilities can compensate for the dampening effect of financial risk. Our results are robust to considerations of sample selection bias, endogeneity, and outliers.

5. 体育赞助的二分法:赞助商之间竞争的性质重要吗?
A Dichotomy of Sport Sponsorships: Does the Nature of Competition Among Sponsors Matter?
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1123/jsm.2020-0203
In this paper, the authors argue that the firm value implications of sport sponsorships for sponsors may depend on the competitive environment during the bidding process for different types of sponsorships. More specifically, the authors contend that the bidding environment for professional football (soccer) kit sponsorships represents a form of common value auction, while the bidding environment for corporate logo sponsorships on teams’ shirts does not. As common value auctions are prone to winner’s curse, the firm value implications should be different for kit sponsorship announcements than for shirt sponsorship announcements. Our results suggest that shareholders indeed perceive the value derived from kit and shirt sponsorships differently, resulting in the predicted distinction in their impact on sponsors’ firm value. This study sheds light on conflicting results on firm value implications of sport sponsorships in the prior literature and provides rich areas for future research.

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